Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is #Pitch?

    We all want to make our communities better places to live, work, and play. But how can your business idea make a difference? Tell us about it!

    Perhaps you’re creating a business that offers jobs to people who would otherwise have difficulty finding them. Or maybe you’re trying to make life easier for people in your community by introducing a product, such as healthier food options, or a service, such as babysitting. Whatever your business idea is, just tell us how it can make your community a better place!

    In addition to winning awards, the challenge will help you develop both soft and hard skills during the challenge.

  • How much does it cost?

    The challenge is completely free.

  • How long does the challenge run?

    The challenge runs from October 12–April 3, 2023.

    #Pitch participants will also benefit from Goodwall’s current and future activities, such as programs and weekly challenges.

  • What is the challenge prize?

    $1,000 cash pool for 10 winners.

  • How are the winners selected? What are the criteria?

    The winners will be selected by our community team based on the quality, insightfulness, and creativity of their submissions. Winners will be announced shortly after the challenge comes to an end. 

    Challenge participants are awarded points (up to 9) based on the following criteria:

    • Post a 1-min video (no longer) with a short description (0–3 points)
    • Tell us about a local issue in your community (0–3 points)
    • Explain how you would fix it (0–3 points)

    In addition to winning funding for your idea, you’ll inspire your friends, classmates, family, and neighbors to join the #IAmAnInnovator initiative.

  • How can I participate?

    Start by downloading the Goodwall app (available for iOS and Android). Once you have set up your Goodwall profile, upload your entry as a video (up to one minute long) and tag #IAmAnInnovator. It’s that simple!

  • Can I join at any point during the challenge?

    Yes, you are welcome to participate at any point during the challenge. 

  • Who can participate?

    We welcome participants from all over the world.

  • I am not a student, can I still participate?

    Absolutely! No matter your field, it’s essential to continue to develop your skills. If you want to get ahead, you need to learn and grow constantly.

  • How will I receive my prize if I win?

    A Goodwall Community Manager will contact you soon after winning a challenge to arrange prize delivery.

  • What is Goodwall?

    Goodwall is a global community that levels the playing field for young people, allowing anyone to connect and discover professional opportunities. 

    Featuring over 2 million members in 150 countries, we offer more than 5 million jobs and opportunities, more than US$1.5 million in scholarships and awards, and countless volunteer events. 

    Through our platform, we help Gen Z reach their full potential, showcase their achievements, and gain support in order to reach their full potential and positively impact society.

  • Any questions left?

    Feel free to send an email to and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.